To Those Who Say “Only God Can Judge Me”

There’s a lot of people out there who say this infamous line. “Only God can judge me”. Although this might make sense in their mind, it is deeply untrue. 

The truth is anyone can judge you. Your boss, clients, employees, friends, and family. Literally anyone has the capability to judge you. Even yourself. By making the statement “only God can judge me” possibly is stemmed from your own perception or judging that others are judging you.

That’s not a bad thing. Sure the context might be different but we are under constant observation. Being assessed and evaluated daily. If you own your own company, your clients make decisions based upon their judgement of you and the company you created or represent. Your significant other is effected by what you do and don’t do. But only God can judge you?
No, only God can send you to hell. Even that statement isn’t fully true. If you believe that there is a God and can send you to hell by judging your life. There’s no personal responsibility to that statement. Why is God judging you? Because of your thoughts. Your actions. Because of YOU.

So next time you see someone making excuses rather than taking personal responsibility call them out on it. It’s okay to keep people accountable for their words and their actions. How else can we grow and move forward with one another?

The good news if you’ve believed this lie that only God can judge you is this: you can do something about it. If God can send you to hell, your boss can fire you, your friends and family can shun you based on their judgements, you can do something. Not about their judgements, thoughts or actions. But yourself.

You are responsible for your thoughts, feelings words and actions. The rest is out of our control. If your words match your actions, who cares if someone, even God judges you?

It’s called integrity. Having our words and actions mirror each other. If you don’t have integrity, you should be afraid of others judging you. They are judging an unrealistic expectation of you. An excuse to do anything you want without taking responsibility for your words and actions. The things we are accountable for.

Why not try to give others the same chance of having and forming an opinion about you the same way you do for them? If you’re reading this, you’re forming an opinion or judging me. Whether what I’m saying is right or wrong. And why.

You have the freedom to judge just as much as anyone else. If you’re scared of being judged, how’s your integrity? Do you say you’re a good person but really you’re just a liar like me?
This is personal and should be. I say one thing and do the other all the time. I’m inconsistent. That’s why I wrote this. If you thought it was about you, you judged me. If you didn’t, you still judged me.

I’m okay with that because this is my attempt at integrity. Matching my words with my actions. I’m flawed. Will you keep me accountable? Not so you’re right and I’m wrong, but because I want to be a better person. Because you want to see me succeed rather than fail. To get a promotion, have great relationships with friends and family. To go to heaven.
Anyone can judge you or I. Why not use that power for good? For peace and prosperity. To dig deeper in our relationships. To understand where people are coming from.

To see their emotions and understand their reasoning. Then help them grow for a purpose. For the greater good. Will you accept the responsibility of discerning truth from lie? To live with integrity to the best of your ability. To be honest with yourself and others?

1 thought on “To Those Who Say “Only God Can Judge Me”

  1. great topic! Many Millenials have bought into this lie for a couple of other reasons… 1. They hate or failed to learn the value of high accountability relationships. “dating ” on-line may be here to stay, but what a “crappie shoot” that is! Plastic communication is not the basis for being open, honest and real with others! Those who have learned to submit to their parents, coaches, bosses are more apt to see the value of accountability than those who never have. We basically have a society than believes in anarchy as long as it’s not your desires being thwarted.
    a 2nd reason is many don’t know what the scripture says! They try to quote “judge not lest ye be judged” without understanding that Jesus warns us that we can’t be hypocrites! “by the same measure you judge, so shall you be judged!” So if I hold up a standard high in one area and confront someone amiss, I should expect accountability to be exercised in a different area with exposed weakness that I possess also. If I embrace that, then everyone has an equal growth opportunities because of practiced accountability. Thanks for sharing!


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